
Linux Directory Structure Overview

  1. /bin: This directory contains essential binary executables (commands) that are needed for system operation. These binaries are available to all users.
  2. /sbin: Similar to /bin, but contains binary executables that are typically used by the system administrator (root) for system maintenance and administration tasks.
  3. /usr: This directory contains user-related programs, libraries, documentation, and other files that are not required for system operation but are used by users and applications.
  4. /etc: Configuration files for the system and installed applications are stored here. This directory contains various system-wide configuration files that control the behavior of the operating system and its components.
  5. /home: Each user on the system has a subdirectory within /home, where their personal files and settings are stored. For example, the user “andy” might have a home directory at /home/andy.
  6. /var: This directory contains variable data files that are expected to change frequently during normal system operation. It includes log files, spool directories, and temporary files.
  7. /tmp: Temporary files are stored in this directory. These files are typically created and used by programs during the course of their execution and are deleted when they are no longer needed.
  8. /dev: Special device files that represent hardware devices are stored here. These files allow user programs to interact with hardware devices using standard input/output operations.
  9. /proc: A virtual filesystem that provides information about system processes and hardware devices. It contains information about running processes, kernel configuration, and hardware information.
  10. /boot: Contains files needed for booting the system, such as the kernel and bootloader configuration files.
  11. /mnt and /media: Directories used for temporarily mounting external filesystems, such as USB drives or network shares.
  12. /opt: Optional application software packages are installed in this directory. It is commonly used for third-party software that is not part of the core system.

These are just some of the most common directories in the Linux filesystem. Each directory serves a specific purpose, and understanding their roles can help you navigate and manage your Linux system more effectively.