
Guide to Using Arpscan for Local Network Host Discovery

1. Install Arpscan:

  • Download Arpscan: Download the latest version of Arpscan from the official GitHub repository.
  • Compile or Install: Depending on your operating system, you may need to compile Arpscan from source or install it using a package manager.

2. Prepare Local Network:

  • Identify Local Network: Determine the IP range of the local network you want to scan.

3. Run Arpscan:

  • Basic Host Discovery:
  arpscan -r <IP_range>

Replace <IP_range> with the IP range of the local network (e.g.,

  • Advanced Options:
  • -v: Verbose output.
  • -i: Specify network interface.
  • -o: Specify output file.

4. Analyze Results:

  • Review Output: Open the output file generated by Arpscan to review the discovered live hosts and associated information.
  • Interpret Results: Analyze the discovered hosts to identify active devices on the local network and potential security risks.

Tips and Considerations:

  • Network Range: Choose an appropriate IP range to scan based on the size and configuration of the local network. Use CIDR notation to specify the network range.
  • Network Interface: Specify the network interface to use for scanning if the default interface needs to be overridden.
  • Output Format: Choose an output format that best suits your needs, such as plain text, CSV, or JSON.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Schedule regular scans with Arpscan to monitor changes in the network and detect new devices or unauthorized activity.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Integrate Arpscan with other network monitoring and security tools for comprehensive network visibility and threat detection.

By following this guide, you can effectively use Arpscan for local network host discovery to identify active devices and potential security risks within your network. Always use such tools responsibly and ethically, and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.