Bash Programming

bash script: Music Playlist Generator Script


# function to generate a random playlist
generate_random_playlist() {
echo "Generating a random playlist..."
# logic to generate a random playlist

# function to generate a curated playlist based on user preferences
generate_curated_playlist() {
echo "Generating a curated playlist based on user preferences..."
# logic to generate a curated playlist

# main script starts here
echo "Welcome to the Music Playlist Generator Script!"

# prompt user for choice
echo "Enter 1 to generate a random playlist or 2 to generate a curated playlist:"
read choice

if [ $choice -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $choice -eq 2 ]; then
echo "Invalid choice. Please try again."

The script above is a bash script that functions as a Music Playlist Generator. It provides two main features: generating a random playlist and generating a curated playlist based on user preferences.

The script defines two functions:
1. `generate_random_playlist`: This function is responsible for generating a random playlist.
2. `generate_curated_playlist`: This function is responsible for generating a curated playlist based on user preferences.

The main script starts by displaying a welcome message and then prompts the user to choose between generating a random playlist or a curated playlist. Based on the user’s choice, the script calls the respective function to generate the playlist.

If the user enters an invalid choice, the script displays a message asking the user to try again.

This script provides a simple way to generate music playlists either randomly or based on user preferences, making it a versatile tool for music enthusiasts.