Bash Programming

bash script: RSS Feed Reader Script


# RSS feed URLs

# Function to fetch and display latest articles from RSS feeds
fetch_latest_articles() {
for rss_feed in "${rss_feeds[@]}"
echo "Latest articles from $rss_feed:"
curl -s $rss_feed | grep -o '[^<]*' | sed 's/<title>//'<br /> echo "-------------------"<br /> done<br /> }</p> <p># Main script<br /> fetch_latest_articles<br /> </code></p> <p>The bash script provided is a simple RSS Feed Reader Script. It fetches and displays the latest articles from RSS feeds in a customizable format.</p> <p>The script starts by defining an array `rss_feeds` that contains the URLs of the RSS feeds from which we want to fetch the latest articles.</p> <p>Next, there is a function `fetch_latest_articles` that iterates over each RSS feed URL, fetches the content using `curl`, extracts the article titles using `grep` and `sed`, and then displays the titles on the console.</p> <p>In the main part of the script, the `fetch_latest_articles` function is called to execute the fetching and displaying of the latest articles from the RSS feeds.</p> <p>This script can be further customized by adding additional processing of the fetched data, error handling, or formatting options as per the requirements.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="tag-btns mt-5 mb-2"> <a href="" class="tagbtn shadow">bash</a><a href="" class="tagbtn shadow">bash script</a><a href="" class="tagbtn shadow">display</a><a href="" 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