
Python script: Markdown to HTML Converter (with Markdown parsing library)

from markdown2 import markdown

def convert_markdown_to_html(markdown_text):
html_text = markdown(markdown_text)
return html_text

if __name__ == "__main__":
markdown_text = "## Hello, Markdown to HTML Converter!\nThis is a simple example of converting Markdown to HTML."
html_text = convert_markdown_to_html(markdown_text)

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. HTML, on the other hand, is a standard markup language for creating web pages. In this Python script, we are using the `markdown2` library to convert Markdown text to HTML.

We define a function `convert_markdown_to_html` that takes a Markdown text as input, uses the `markdown` function from the `markdown2` library to convert it to HTML, and returns the HTML text.

In the script’s main block, we provide an example Markdown text with headers and text formatting. We then call the `convert_markdown_to_html` function with the Markdown text as input, which returns the HTML-converted text. Finally, we print the HTML text to the console.

This script demonstrates how easy it is to convert Markdown to HTML in Python using the `markdown2` library.